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Rulebricks offers straightforward ~5 minute private cloud deployment via Terraform on AWS & GCP, allowing for deployments in sensitive, even airgapped environments, or for deployments where it’s important to co-locate the rule engine with backend resources to achieve particularly low latencies.

A few AI and logging features are unavailable in private environments, since third party services are used for these. Everything else– including the database and authentication infrastructure, can be self-hosted.

To gain access to our private cloud offerings, schedule a demo with us, or ping us at [email protected] , describing your use-case for Rulebricks and your preferred cloud provider.

🖥️  Technology Overview

Rulebricks is built using Next JS (React, Node 16), Supabase (Postgres), and Redis, all hosted locally via Docker images in our private edition. These are currently served via a traefik reverse proxy in a Docker Compose setup. All deployments are HTTPS and require certification, which will usually happen automatically, provided DNS records are updated immediately after deployment.

A few auxiliary services are available for debugging and administration purposes–

db.<your-domain> – database console

traefik.<your-domain> – proxy/traffic analytics

For single-instance deployments, SSH’ing in using the generated key upon executing terraform apply and monitoring the contents of /mnt/app_data/private/rulebricks.log or via docker ps and docker logs -f <container_id> can be used to understand service errors/status.

Issues with startup scripts can be similarly analyzed based on file & folder locations specific to the service provider.

💽  Software Setup

Once your deployment is complete (see Infrastructure Setup below), simply open the URL you’ve deployed Rulebricks to and wait. You will automatically be redirected to a login screen, which triggers an automated setup email sent to the admin email address you’ve configured your instance with.